My Life as a Kung Fu Fighter

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tonight my daughter made up a song about how she loves me and has fun when we play together. We were in the bathroom getting ready to brush our teeth. I watched her 3-year old hands squeeze the toothpaste on and listened to her little voice.
I love, love LOVE when she is happy and saying nice things and gives hugs instead of runs the other way and shuts the door screaming, "MOM - give me some PRIVACY." 3 going on 13.
But anytime, literally every single time she says something nice about me, the sick part of my brain says, "Stow these thoughts for later when your daughter doesn't think it's fun to sing about happy things." So I stow and then hug the crap out of her little body and kiss her until she's annoyed and eventually runs away. Or kicks me.
Whoever said a little smothering isn't good for the soul?
I read or heard once or made up the thought that kids develop the ability to accept/give love by the time they're 3. So this is a big year. This is the last year she has to develop this concept. I'm either raising a cynic or an optimist. And she'll develop her memory more clearly. And I'm freaked out of my MIND.
So this is my solution: subliminal messages.
My plan is to record my voice with sounds of waterfalls and birds singing in the background. While she sleeps, she'll hear phases such as, "Mom is a GOOD person. You will finish college. Surround yourself with creativity and goodness. Don't join the armed forces...."


Blogger Amy said...

Well, you can't spell "smothering" without "mothering!" I think that means you're on the right track.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Blayblogger said...

This email I got from my 9 year old child. and how do you prevent the eye water after this:

hey da i really miss you and i cant wait to go to houston on saturday ! but i still miss you so muchey dad i miss you alot i wish i could come over every day but oh well.i will see you on hopefully friday night to leave for houston.i really cant wait to see you. well hhey da i cant wit to see ou so we can go to houston love ya bye.-

10:01 PM  

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