I've only met one cat in my entire life that I actually like. His name is Chopper, and he lets my little girl get very close to his head without freaking out or hissing. He doesn't poop in my yard, and because of that I let him hang out in my rocking chair. In fact, I think he's Protector of the House or just territorial, because since he's been around, no other annoying cats have been in our yard - ones that DO freak out and hiss. Ones that I throw pinecones at because they piss in my garden right as I'm trying my damnedest to get them OUT of my yard.
Before Chopper, I'd always been a dog person. I still was until yesterday. Here is an order of events that make me reconsider becoming a cat person.
Baxter and Coco feasted on every scrap in the garbage from two rotisserie chickens while we slept. Every scrap except for ONE bone.
Coco, the 90-pounder that she is, seemed to handle the grisle and bones just fine. But Baxter, on the other hand, had gas that filled my house, thus causing me to light candles in every single room. The candles that I only bring out for special company. The ones that smell like freshly mown grass, snickerdoodle cookies, and cranberry cider. The most potent ones known to man.
After enjoying an evening of swimming and having dinner out, we come home to the mushiest, smelliest shit on my new rug - the rug that is in the bedroom that was closed off to the dogs, that Baxter figured out how to push his way through. This resulted in the cleaning of the rug.
Upon deciding to clean my whole house, I discover my newly soaked bed from Baxter's decision to Christen my newly purchased comforter. More cleaning and banishing dogs from the bedrooms.
Baxter wakes me up at 4am to poop and eat grass.
On separate occasions, I find the dogs in the GARDEN. The sacred place that USED to have plentiful growth, that now has ONE zucchini sprout instead of an entire bed of vegetables, that I so foolishly blamed squirrels and birds for.
Finally, this evening post-water-the-garden and pre-popsicle, I discover that the dogs are really very cute and forgiveable after having had a walk and are too tired to destroy the rest of my life. Cats can't do this. They have claws and arch their backs for reasons unbeknownst to me.